Why Elon Musk Should Invest In MYDENTALWIG’S Dental AI Patented Technology


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Addressing the complications faced by many AI technologies directly

AI technologies are currently expanding in a variety of industries through startups that each has unique goals. MYDENTALWIG is one such startup that is seeking to set itself apart from the rest of these AI technologies and attain investments to secure their place in the market.

AI technologies have been implemented in almost every industry over the last few years. MYDENTALWIG has set itself apart with the patent of its Dental Chips. While Elon Musk has focused on the development of Neuralink and TESLA, and Sam Altman has been working with Open AI, Lydie Livolsi has chosen to focus on the advancement of Dental AI.

The intrepid CEO of MYDENTALWIG, Lydie Livolsi, hopes to follow in the footsteps of none other than Elon Musk. Like Musk, Mrs. Livolsi has overcome several complex circumstances in her life, ranging from divorces and the challenges of raising multiple children alone, to the difficulties of being a 1st generation immigrant to the USA. Both entrepreneurs have settled in Los Angeles after being raised in Africa and have chosen to pursue AI advancements.

While these two share some common goals, hoping to improve the lives of people through AI applications, MYDENTALWIG is addressing the complications faced by many AI technologies directly while searching for investors who share their vision. MYDENTALWIG is a growing startup that is aspiring to acquire $6 billion in investments which would fund the construction of a campus plant. This plant would be home to an Integrated Device Manufacturing facility which would design, develop, and package its patented Dental Chips, a cloud center for data management, a solar farm, as well as its own STEM Academy to train individuals in the technologies relevant to the Dental AI.

This investment would support the development of Dental AI which has the potential to be a self-powered data collection entity. Since the Dental Chips that have been patented by MYDENTALWIG acquire power from chewing and swallowing instead of needing external electrical power, they will not face the same power constraints as other AI systems. Even Elon Musk has commented on the electricity shortage that is likely to occur in the near future as the infrastructure of many locations is unable to keep up with the demands of greener technologies such as electric cars. With TESLA forever expanding into newer markets, the lack of accessible charging locations has become an issue. Besides this, many AI systems function with massive server farms that consume vast amounts of energy to operate as they process data. This makes an AI that has internal charging that is accomplished by passive body functions more enticing than one that will add more burden to the already stressed electrical grids.

In addition to this, the Dental Chips are installed in non-invasive dental procedures that are already conducted regularly. By embedding the Dental Chips in dental devices such as dentalwigs, dental implants, dentures, crowns and other similar dental work it is possible to collect data 24/7 from all the systems of the body. This data can then be sent to a data center and analyzed by AI to identify the development of a variety of serious illnesses and diseases ranging from stroke, cancer, autism, seizures, mental health, and diabetes to Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson diseases. By monitoring changes in the body and combining scientific understanding with AI it could be possible to identify the onset of these and other diseases while allowing the development of treatment plans and, eventually, strategies to eliminate these diseases all together. All of the data gathered would be from the non-invasive installation of smart dental devices as compared to the invasive brain surgery required for other AI technology such as Neuralink.

The application of a variety of smart dental implants would revolutionize the collection of biometric information and allow users to easily access and analyze this information. iDentawig, iDenture, iDentalimplant, and iCrown are a few of MYDENTALWIG’S products that will collect user data 24/7 and allow users access to it through devices such as watches, cellphones, and computers. The combination of these devices with AI software will enable users to identify potential health problems and development of treatment plans before serious issues occur.

While AI is advancing in several industries, the ability of MYDENTALWIG’s devices to leverage passive body functions to maintain power continuously sets it apart. Between this self-contained power generation and Lydie Livolsi’s plans for a campus that would support every aspect of development, the Dental AI has set itself apart from many of the other technologies. By creating the plant to design and manufacture these devices in the USA, supply chain issues that have plagued other industries in the last few years would be avoided. The education branch would also motivate the use and implementation of these technologies while encouraging the further development of these tools.

As all of these AI systems develop, it would be possible for MYDENTALWIG to work synergistically with other devices such as Neuralink, TESLA and even APPLE. The accumulation and analysis of biometric data from multiple sources could further the identification of disease development. Because of this, it would be beneficial for people like Elon Musk to invest in MYDENTALWIG as it will also enhance the development and growth of his companies’ AI systems.

AI is an ever growing and expanding field. Each new device and implementation have the potential to aid the development of those that have come before them. While Neuralink is invasive to implant, the devices used by MYDENTALWIG are simply installed during standard dental procedures that have been conducted for years. This system also enables the constant collection of data without experiencing losses from connectivity or power issues since it is powered passively by body functions.

The vision of Lydie Livolsi to grow a campus that would both create the devices and educate people in their use and the use of the data generated is inspiring in a day when we are besieged by shortages and shipping problems. The ambitious pursuit of data that, when combined with AI systems, could help medical personnel identify illnesses and diseases that are currently either difficult to detect or treat before they have become terminal needs to be pursued and encouraged through investment.

For more information send e-mail to invest@mydentalwig.com